Like, given the three points up there, there's bunch of brainpower and logic limitations in all those transition/representations/etc...
What if we developed on top of other abstraction than text, stuff that would be more linked to the actual work the compiler is doing itself, or more linked to how the code is interpreted by the system or idk...
The only project I can think of that kind of blur the "source code" and the "runtime" is, but they don't have the goal of replacing the traditional "write group of runes the correct way with adequate spacings and see if it will compile" kind of workflow
Also, our current text is imho limiting in how we can "code" in different brain paradigms/langages/ways of thinking, it's like just latin runes if a very english way of articulating orders / conditional...
Also, what about the commoner who's unable _at all_ to understand the algorithms that drive their live just because we invented all sort of textual hacks to be able to efficiently represent compiler inner-work ?
How often did you had to struggle to represent some kind of logic tree of "if then, this and that, then that" that would be _much_ simpler to represent in a 2D real diagram ? What about permission system where we somehow ended up doing infinite list of ordered conditions that are _quite_ complex to parse as humans being ? Couldn't we use the gajillon processing power we have under ou computing devices to render stuff a bit less ugly ?
Also, with everyone being on smartphones, wouldn't it be cool to be able to _very efficiently_ code with them ? There's tons of people writing novels on those shits, while I don't recommend it for ergo reasons it's way more accessible to be able to start with _what we have_ rather than having to get our hand on expensive hardware....
Uh, well, that's was a lot of hot take, I should really start the habit of taking notes and blogging uh