Second, the IG folks have said it allows their users to take their audiences with them to or away from Threads. That’s a feature too. Look at what happened on Twitter, content creator, they say. You see things falling apart around you and you’re stuck and have to go somewhere else and start over to rebuild your audience. And, because AP is proven by Mastodon and being implemented on other formerly walled platforms like Flipboard and Timblr already, you aren’t a guinea pig with this false promise of a portable content and audience. That’s a great selling point to make an account and invest your effort in making content.
Why not just extinguish? I offer a few reasons that aren’t about us. The first is why *stay* on threads to a normie. The answer from Threads is this: We give you the features of AP with the features you want and are used to. We give you an algorithm to feed you what you want without you having to work. We give you features like alarms and tags how you like. We are building more too. 4/x