A lot of my followers are people who have followed me because of a number of Long Covid posts that I've done over the months, so maybe this will cut through here:
Imagine a post minimising Covid comes across my timeline, or one that says that people with LC are weak, or lazy or something (I've seen all these). It's all in their head. They should man up. And so on.
Imagine how this might upset me, right?
So, I block/unfollow, whatever. Problem solved, right?
No. Because it plays on my mind. It's too late, I've already seen it.
I've been told that I'm somehow "lesser" than others, and that affects me for a long time - a few hours, maybe a few days, making it more difficult for me to go about my life.
You understand that, of course you do, and are sympathetic to this. I shouldn't have had to see it in the first place, obviously.
I'm not weak because I wanted not to see it, in the first place, no-one would say that.