"Through a series of massacres, the Zionist forces led by the Haganah depopulated over 500 Palestinian towns and villages. (...) Palestine became empty. (...) Ben Gurion had to find people to fill the vacuum. (...) Zionists started the campaign to entice Arab Jews to immigrate to Israel. The first prize was Iraqi Jews, the most established and the richest of all Arab Jews. (...) Upon arrival in Israel, they were met with the humiliating treatment of spraying them with DDT, and housing them in ma’abarot, a transit camp of tents and shacks, not in the Kibbutzim where the Europeans resided. (...) Zionism not only turned the Palestinians into refugees; it turned the Jews of the East into strangers in their own land."
Zionism is deeply rooted in racism and colonialism and as such it must be destroyed.