her situation of being braindead and the family choosing to let her pass is my argument against anti-abortion airheads
"abortion is murder" they say
"relative is braindead after a car accident (not terri's situation, but more comprehensible). morality, reason, and the law says it's ok to pull the plug. if you do, are you a murderer?"
"because there's no brain. just like an embryo: no brain"
very rarely they say pulling the plug on a brain dead accident victim relative is murder, which shows you the change in common attitude from terri schiavo's days
usually they go with "well there will be a brain soon." so i go "then you agree there isn't one *now*"
and then they usually get hung up on prevaricating over that detail
and falling back in stubborn denial to avoid rational thought, to using the lying terminology "killing babies." and i have to remind them we're talking about an embryo not a baby