We know we are living in a dark age, as we already were at the time of the revelation of every world religion, but only God knows the scale.
No one in my village uses this sort of rhetoric in question, but it is indeed possible this is the time when the strange lust for everything unholy that sometimes possesses people will accelerate and soon predominate everywhere. It's also possible that it's close to peaking for now.
The co-optation by the State of advocacy for the vulnerable has for the last 10 years been extremely useful in manufacturing consent for Washington's wars. The masses that reported in to their Culture War parades did not show up to advocate for the Christians and traditional Muslims slaughtered by al Qaeda in Libya and Syria, or Russian children in the Donbas. They did not care, because they were not told to care.
The dynamics at play in response to the current crisis in the Levant suggest a loss of control or a shift in power. In other words "wokeness" has apparently begun to lose one of its mundane, temporal incentives. We don't know what comes next