Alright so, what was happening with this game.
Well, my Pinball Initials are CMJ, that's short for CavemanJoe, which is the name under which I run Improbable Island, so this thing was packed full of scores that were all CMJ.
Now. One day I go to turn it on, and it doesn't turn on. Normally it plays a weird slowed-down slightly spooky version of the first half of the pacman song as the sound computer slowly comes to life, while the videogame and pinball computers take like five seconds to do some self-tests, and then it goes into attract mode. Well I got the sick sounding half-a-song, but no coil click and no lights and nothing on the screen, so I go "Oh haha here we go" and I turn it off and on again and this time it comes back and works alright.
And it gets to the high score screen and I go "Hang on a sec. Who the hell is BMJ?"