But all the other challenges of connecting those parties aside, there's the one of hubris, that I want to circle back to.
Part of the reason that so many social media platforms, over and over and over and over again, found themselves shocked and surprised by things happening to them that other, earlier, social media platforms went through (and tried to tell them about) was because they assumed they knew all there was that they needed to know. They assumed their knowledge was adequately complete. They didn't go seeking out information and counsel to guide them, because they thought they didn't need it.
It never even occurred to them they did.
And that's a kind of hubris. It's a kind of low-key, chill intellectual arrogance. It's not blustery, it doesn't brag. It just assumes.
And that's a problem.
Because here's the thing: the people with the social clues are not going to beat down the door to shove them down your throat.