@horenzienzwijgen Localised stuff does pretty well. For example, with the region set to France, when I search for "Laval", a nearby city, the first result is actually about the French city of Laval, rather than the more famous Canadian place of the same name.
It's not perfect, though. A sidebar still shows information about Laval in Quebec, which I'm about to report as a bug.
They've previously be very good about errors, and you can also manually downtrack low-quality or unwanted search result domains.
Searching for pizza in my village or the neighbouring town gives me places to get pizza locally, rather than generic dominos or pizza hut ads (we do not have those here).
Looking for factual information in french also gives me good quality results.
Can't help on Dutch, I'm afraid, but there's a free trial with 100 searches so you can test it.