Can someone help me port this typescript function to some really simple shell commands? It's used to obfuscate my email so scrapers don't spam the shit out of me, but I want to have an option for users that have JavaScript disabled. So, I was gonna provide a shell script that they could run instead of turning javascript on for my site.export function deobfuscate(obfuscated: string): string { let deobfuscated = ""; let hexKey = obfuscated.substring(0, 2); let key = parseInt(hexKey, 16); if (isNaN(key)) { throw new Error("Invalid obfuscated string"); } for (let i = 2; i < obfuscated.length; i += 2) { let hexChar = obfuscated.substring(i, i + 2); let char = parseInt(hexChar, 16); if (isNaN(char)) { throw new Error("Invalid obfuscated string"); } deobfuscated += String.fromCharCode(char ^ key); } return deobfuscated; }