Mastodon and today's fediverse are unsafe by design and unsafe by default – and instance blocking is a blunt but powerful safety tool
Parts 1, 2, and 3 of "Golden opportunities for the fediverse – and whatever comes next"
Over the course of this multi-part series, I'll discuss Mastodon and the fediverse's long-standing problems with abuse and harassment; the strengths and weaknesses of current tools like instance blocking and blocklists; the approaches emerging tools like #TheBadSpace and #Fediseer take, along with potential problems; paths to improving the situation; and how the fediverse as a whole can seize the moment and build on the progress that's being made; . At the end I'll collect it all into a single post, with a revised introduction.
This first installment has three sections:
- Today's fediverse is unsafe by design and unsafe by default
- Instance-level federation choices are a blunt but powerful safety tool
- Instance-level federation decisions reflect norms, policies, and interpretations