A couple of links that will help you as a new citizen of the Fediverse (in no particular order).
If you are new to the Fediverse (or maybe old), and you have ideas, you can submit it here:
-> https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fediverse-ideas
You can also check this for currently accepted proposals that some developers are working on, or planning to implement for their respective projects.
-> https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep
If you are curious, or want to explore the wider Fediverse, especially on the side of available software (Mastodon is not the only nor was it the first fediverse software) do check this list:
-> https://codeberg.org/fediverse/delightful-fediverse-apps
I guarantee you will be surprised how big of a support the fediverse network has.
Looking for people to follow? Or, do you want to list yourself?
-> https://fediverse.info/explore/people
A trip down memory lane, the history / timeline of the Fediverse.
-> https://codeberg.org/ddfon/federated-sns OR https://codeberg.org/ddfon/federated-sns/src/branch/main/fediverse-history.markdown
#FAQ #Fediverse #SNS #ActivityPub #SocialWeb (some call #Mastodon) #SocialNetwork #FediTips #FediHelp #Fedi22 #T2pub #T2 #Pebble #PebbleIs @fedihelp @feditips @t2pub @t2