Imagine you are in 1950's America. Segregated 1950's America. And instead of a civil rights movement dominated by peaceful resistance with leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., the movement was defined by radical violence financed by our most fearful enemies. Black ghettos dominated by terrorist organizations who launch missiles at homes and schools, women and children are murdered, and the whole south becomes militarized. In this fictional world the civil rights movement fails because hatred grows. Palestinians face this same end because there is no Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. to lead peaceful resistance. And it would work. Israel is a western-style liberal state. Organized passive resistance calling for full rights and freedom of movement would work, if that was the goal of Palestinian leadership and if they employed peaceful resistance to immoral laws. Sadly, that's not their goal. Their goal is "Us or Them." I feel sorry for sincere Palestinians who suffer such evil and incompetent leadership. #Gaza #Israel #Palestine #Hamas