There is a new feature of Mastodon that I wanted to highlight for you all.
I had no use for the Lists feature before- but as of the recent 4.2 update, you can put some people you follow into a list- and then you can check a box in that list's details to NOT SHOW their posts in your main feed.
This could totally change Mastodon for me, in the best way.
I follow some newsy-political accounts, and often rush by them in the feed if I'm not in the mood to hear (more) bad news. Now I can put them in a list and not see them at all in and among the feed of real thoughts, pictures, artwork and jokes you amazing people share.
And when I actually feel like engaging with the news/politics of the world, I can pop over to that list and see only that stuff in there.
This way you can have customized feeds of different kinds of accounts, and just see your tried and true favorite people in the main feed.
It's a multi-Mastodon-feed experience, separated by mood and preference.
Which for me is brilliant!