There is NO evidence whatsoever that supports an accusation that's leadership was in any way involved in a harassment campaign against Ro or TheBadSpace. Further, there is NO reason to suspect that the instance is an unsafe one for any marginalized group.
Even if there was an interpersonal conflict between one instance's mod and the staff of another, is there any good reason whatsoever to sever tens of thousands of connections as punishment for that? FUCK NO.
Is there evidence that .art only holds smaller, more vulnerable instances to this standard while excusing far worse things from larger instances, on account of the revenue the larger instances represent? YES, in WelshPixie's own words.
What is happening is, to put it bluntly, a fucking travesty. It's a slap in the face to solidarity, to community, to the resilience of the Fediverse at large, and a warning sign to countless many to stay away.