Speaking of attacks and price tags, a Catholic group is whining that there have been 202 attacks on Catholic churches since the Dobbs decision's initial leak. Of these, 83 were this year.
As far as I know, NOT ONE of these attacks placed parishioners in any danger. attacks are quoted as "acts of arson which damaged or destroyed historic churches; spray-painting and graffiti of satanic messages; rocks and bricks thrown through windows; statues destroyed (often with heads cut off); and illegal disruptions of Mass." All fires I have seen reported in the corporate press have been late-night attacks on empty buildings under the normal US rules of engagement dating back to the Vietnam War.
Also note the site above claims 75% of those hitting these churches get away clean.
Right wing churches (NOT just Catholic, certain Protestants are much worse) are behind abortion laws that are killing people, and the worst of them are responsible for radicalizing and motivating the terrorists that shoot up LGBTQ events and venues.
Our community strikes back for this, but NOT ONCE have we placed innocent lives in danger. We cannot repay a shooting attack on a Gay bar with a shooting attack on a fashy church because most of the parishioners learn of the attack from the news. Not only that, LGBTQ kids forced by parents to attend these churches would be in the line of fire.
Instead, our best warriors launch intentionally nonlethal counterstrikes using measured force, at this point using property-damage-only tactics that date back at least to the Weather Underground if not earlier.