There's a lot of stuff coming out about Putin being behind that Hamas attack, to the extent this is true I personally don't think it makes much of a difference because would likely had done the same with zero outside assistance, and I just think it's a bullshit way to shift the narrative from Israel/Palestine to this evil villian narrative that Putin is behind everything bad in the world.. It also obscures a few realities, like how Putin and Netanyahu are buds, how Israel was reluctant to stop selling Russia bombs even after the Ukraine invasion.
But it the situation certainly does help Putin, both logistically, putting America's attention and resources on Israel shifts the focus from Ukraine, it also shatters US/NATO claim to having any kind of moral high ground as Russia can position itself as the only member of the security council pushing for peace. And if a wider war breaks out it even threatens NATO's integrity since Turkey will at the very least be forced to take in refugees.