There's a whole lotta cockeyed goin' on in this thread.
The US backed the Shah Pahlavi and no one can call that a democratic regime. Religious dictators is what anybody gets with violent revolutions--just ask the people who rose for the Arab Spring. What the Shah and the Ayatolah learn the hard way: when it comes to the hijab or any other article of clothing, nobody gets to tell a woman what she cannot wear, or what she must absolutely wear. It's the women that rose up against both.
There's absolutely nothing Shiite v Sunni going on in Palestine either--it's where Sunni backed militias unite with Shiite backed militias over their common enemy, Israel. Under the Abraham Accords, the Sunni regimes basically threw Palestinians under the bus, but the militias they back are still aimed at Israel. I've heard the BS about how the Abraham Accords brought this on, but it was Netanyahu's wingnut "coalition" and settler violence that brought it on.
Netanyahu knew he could expect what he got when he raided the Al Aqsa Mosque using Hamas as the excuse. Settler violence is Israel's version of Manifest Destiny and the average Israeli is against this. On top of that, Netanyahu claims he didn't see it coming, failure of intelligence yadda yadda. If you believe that, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I could sell you.