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<blockquote style="position: relative; padding-left: 55px;"><section><a href="https://masto.ai/users/stavvers/statuses/111113876953377938">Another Angry Woman (stavvers@masto.ai)'s status on Wednesday, 11-Oct-2023 19:00:38 JST</a><a href="https://masto.ai/@stavvers" title="stavvers@masto.ai"><img src="https://gnusocial.jp/avatar/41495-48-20221127202416.webp" width="48" height="48" alt="Another Angry Woman" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">Another Angry Woman</a><div><a href="https://masto.ai/@stavvers/111113842959496352" rel="in-reply-to">in reply to</a></div></section><article><p>uh oh! spicy</p></article><footer><a rel="bookmark" href="https://gnusocial.jp/conversation/1391725#notice-4262448">In conversation</a><time datetime="2023-10-11T19:00:38+09:00" title="Wednesday, 11-Oct-2023 19:00:38 JST">Wednesday, 11-Oct-2023 19:00:38 JST</time> <span>from <span><a href="https://masto.ai/@stavvers/111113876953377938" rel="external" title="Sent from masto.ai via ActivityPub">masto.ai</a></span></span><a href="https://masto.ai/@stavvers/111113876953377938">permalink</a><h4>Attachments</h4><ol><li><label><a rel="external" href="https://gnusocial.jp/attachment/1635692">erzvolnes asked: AITA for lying to my dog about food being 'spicy?'A while back I taught my dog what spicy foods are (by letting her sniff them and saying "Uh oh! Spicy!") and she figured out that it means it'll smell/taste bad and she immediately loses interest. It was initially an accident but it became really handy in getting her to leave food alone if it might hurt her. Recently though I've started saying "Uh oh! Spicy!" about any food I don't want her to eat. If she's sitting and staring at me eating a regular non-spicy snack and I don't want to share, I'll tell her it's spicy so she'll stop begging for it. She believes me 100% of the time. She does have a 'leave it' command that she obeys as well, but she always acts so sad whenever I tell her to 'leave it' and it's something she wants.I feel a little bad because she's an older dog (10y/o) and maybe I SHOULD be sharing my snacks with her, but sometimes a man's gotta enjoy his food in peace without a little creature gazing longingly at him the entire time and crying like the world's soggiest beast.Included is a picture of her making her very best begging face so that everyone can accurately judge how evil I am for lying to her.</a></label><br><a href="https://s3.masto.ai/media_attachments/files/111/113/861/834/831/718/original/fffa694945a31d95.jpg" rel="external">https://s3.masto.ai/media_attachments/files/111/113/861/834/831/718/original/fffa694945a31d95.jpg</a></li><li><label><a rel="external" href="https://gnusocial.jp/attachment/1635693">Photo of a white, brown eyed dog wearing a plaid shirt and looking up at the viewer with a pleading expression. I would not make her unhappy.Voting options to vote whether the OP is an asshole or not. The majority (me included) have voted for either NTA, or uh oh spicyScreenshotted comment by hedgiwithapen, that reads: i taught my cat 'oh! People food!' meant not for her and then had to use that to prevent her from eating a neighbor's fish. the neighbor was. Concerned.this is the best possible addition to this post I am losing my shit over here can you IMAGINE</a></label><br><a href="https://s3.masto.ai/media_attachments/files/111/113/868/781/319/308/original/6729e2a460d432af.jpg" rel="external">https://s3.masto.ai/media_attachments/files/111/113/868/781/319/308/original/6729e2a460d432af.jpg</a></li></ol></footer></blockquote>
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Another Angry Woman (stavvers@masto.ai)'s status on Wednesday, 11-Oct-2023 19:00:38 JST
Another Angry Woman
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uh oh! spicy