Blaptica dubia, the Dubia roach, orange-spotted roach, Guyana spotted roach, or Argentinian wood roach, is a medium-sized species of cockroach which grows to around 40–45 mm (1.6–1.8 in).
They are sexually dimorphic; adult males have full wings covering their body, while females have only tiny wing stubs - their tegmina (forewings) being around a fourth of their body length. Adults are dark brown to black with somewhat lighter orange spot/stripe patterning sometimes visible only in bright light. Coloration differs slightly with environment and diet from one colony to another.
Blaptica dubia are partially ovoviviparous, giving birth to live young after eggs hatch inside the female, and can give birth to 20 to 40 nymphs per month under favorable conditions.
The Dubia cockroach is found in southern parts of South America. Documented specimens have been found in Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay.
Ideal temperature range is the higher...