This is radically out of touch with reality.
You brought up the example of Norway as a success story for socialism, but got quiet about it as soon as I pointed out that it’s capitalist. Capitalism, when regulated as it is under Nordic social democracy, works pretty well. It works somewhat less well in America, but it at least works.
In contrast, there are zero examples of socialism working. No socialist nation has ever come close to this supposed “radical democracy of a worker-controlled economy”, so by their own measure, they are failures. There is no reason to believe that this goal is achievable.
It’s not even close. Capitalism, when poorly regulated, yields bad results. But even these are better than the best that socialism has ever achieved. And there’s no reason at all why we should allow capitalism to be poorly-regulated.
The example you brought up is in my favor: it shows the American government regulating Amazon.
I wrote a blog post about the fact that socialism has never worked: