Embed Notice
Corresponding Notice
- Embed this noticeOh... oh no... :blobsad: scammers have become knowledgeable of more "media platforms" to message and annoy me.
(It was not fedi; thank you fedifrens :blobheartcat:)
:soy1: "Hello dear
I love your artworks
They are beautiful, unique and exquisite
Are they for sale?"
:blobcat: Oh... lovely. probably a scammer. Let's find out :blobthinking:
:blobcat: *sends link to store*
:soy2: "I’m interested in buying a few of your artworks for my exhibition, about 5-10 artworks. But I’m only interested in buying them as NFTs.
I’ll offer $2500 for each of these artworks I purchase from you as I’d love to purchase these artworks as digital artworks(NFTs). Do you have a knowledge about this or should I explain further?"
:blobcat: I was right! :blobcatdance: ... :blobglare: