Y'all, I can't even. The guy running this BadSpace blocklist has been handing out fediblock requests like candy tonight, one for pawb.fun and one for the instance I'm on. He's also doubled down on tech.lgbt being blocked and says it now will be "one of the most suspended instances in the database". All three because a small handful of users angered him personally by criticizing him.
I need y'all to realize this is everything that is wrong with blocklists encapsulated in one story. It's clear the folks who would want to control who tens of thousands of people can see online should never be able to. It's all personal grudges, angry vendettas carried out in the name of some righteous greater good, and if you go along with it you're enabling every bit of it.
It's unreal to think that groups like the Federation Safety Enhancement Project are (or were) pushing this list, run by this person, as the authoritative source of blocklist information for instances.