sometimes I just have to remind myself how deeply unserious these libleft witch-hunters really are.
the incident that most springs to mind is when I was still giving folks in the "accountability space" on the server I left earlier this year the benefit of the doubt. someone, who was another target of the Accountability (tm) process, was asked to hop on a voice chat to discuss... I don't know. I don't even remember the context. it was something that, for whatever reason, the Accountability (tm) folks thought was really important.
the person's response was that they'd just checked themselves into a managed care facility - drug rehab, or recovery of some sort - and didn't have the time.
and was the response what a normal, decently empathetic person would say in that situation? at the very minimum a, "oh, I'm sorry, forget it, please take all the time you need"?
nope. it was, "well, can you hop on a text chat instead?"
this was a server that openly prided itself on its supposed anti-ableist/saneist beliefs, and they had the opportunity to do some bare-minimum anti-ableism by extending this person grace. and they didn't, because their quest for Accountability (tm) in their little online fiefdom was more important than a little thing like "accommodating a person who's taking a major real-life step to try and work on themselves."
if you ever wonder how, for example, a team of Very Serious Admins whose most visible figures include a cis white colonizer and an upper-middle-class web developer and consultant can justify going after powerless, marginalized people - except, like, in a social-justice way - well, that's how. they're not fucking serious about actually practicing what they preach. they're all ego and righteous anger and hot air, and absolutely nothing else.