but my main design work i love doing is prop forgery, so making items for grand immersive world theatre shows that people might pick up or be given like a passport, work chit, signs on walls, labels for products in the world with their own brands - so like a 1984 type immersive Alice's Adventures Underground where the unspoken design idea was that Alice had imagined this world a long time back and it had kept existing afterwards so getting to play with the question of how are they figuring out food sources as a society, like which of the fancy characters got to be society and which were decided to be live stock etc and having freereign to just put in fun allusions to that in all the items people pick up and look at, as well as constant jokes and fun easter eggs like a workroom pinboard covered in complaints, attempts to unionize and an advert for an Ovoids Anonymous meeting run by Mr H Dumpty