Whew, ok, I finally had a chance to sit and code, so here is fresh [upate](https://tweaking.thebad.space) to the tweaking version of #TheBadSpace
So, there was a minor bug in location filtering displaying sites that had been tagged for silence for reasons outside of the scope of the bad space, which are centers of harm and hate.
I will use Girlcock as an example because, haha, I just like the name Girlcock.
A member of trusted sources (who has since requested to remove their blocklist from trusted sources) had silenced Girlcock because they did not like their content, which is fine. Individual instance owners can do whatever they want.
However, the bad space should not list results based on personal content preferences because it aims to identify sources of harm.
The threshold for showing sites is two, meaning at least two members of trusted sources have to agree on a site for it to be listed in the results. An entry in the database must be seconded for it to be active.
Girlcock, while it may have content people might find objectionable, is not a source of harm, so it will not be returned as a legitimate result, especially since it has only been tagged once.
Several entries like this are in the bad space db, so the latest patch fixes all those occurrences.
So now, when you search for a site like Girlcock, there will be no results because they need to meet the listing criteria.