Project 2025 is a "get out if you can" kind of moment. If you're a queer person in the US and you have the means, you should leave the country. It can happen here, it *is* happening here in fits and starts in various states, and it will only get more difficult to escape if any of this happens on a federal level which there are reasonable odds of.
In every genocide that has happened, the majority of victims were arrested in peaceful, orderly manners, even long after the genocide began. They were arrested in their homes more often than in hiding, arrested while trying to live their lives as normally as possible more often than they were caught being involved in underground resistance. Part of what makes fascist genocides so horribly successful is that people can scarcely comprehend the danger, it's nearly impossible to actually hold in your mind that things will get that bad, not in the abstract but in a direct, personal, immediate sense. People do not believe in gas chambers even when they can smell the crematoria, because the human mind buckles under the weight of that horror.
It *can* happen here. It has begun happening here. Powerful electoral political institutions that draft successful legislation have published public plans for it to happen here, in an orderly, legal, formal, dreadfully complete manner.
It can happen here. You, the person reading this, need to repeat that until you believe it. It needs to exist in your mind with the same sharp danger as walking into your living room and finding your curtains on fire, it needs to be real like a gun being pointed at you while your wallet is demanded. It can happen here.