thinking more about shit like "who will do X under anarchism" and this type of question isn't really dependent on a particular political or economic configuration. i might find myself in a situation where i can't get something i need under any configuration and what i would do is always the same: figure out how to get it, how to make it, or how to live with not having it. maybe i would work with others for those goals or maybe i would do it myself. this situation of going without already happens under capitalism, it happens under communism, it will happen under a state of anarchy too.
a plan or political program for these situations will probably not help because these situations particularly arise where plans and programs fail. "improvise" and "figure it out" are not satisfying answers but i think that attitude is the most helpful for navigating the reality of living through uncertainty and scarcity. i try not to depend on other people helping me but i'm open to it if it does happen.