Do **YOU** need to put the lid back on your emotions. I have decided, by and large, not to put the lid back on mine.
I've told the story in another message of how last weekend The Pink Phantom by Gorillaz came on in my earbuds while I was waiting for the subway. This song encapsulates so perfectly a breakup of mine that I started crying right there. I did not stop the music. I just cried. That partner was my greatest success and my worst failure.
I've had cancer. (Doing fine, thank you.) My cancer lessened my ability to mask. I think one of my autistic traits is uncontrollable sadness. I cry at all kinds of things, from just finding something beautiful that I have to cry, to sad stories.
On and on the topic of Spock acting human... I have a shortcast about that, linked at the end of this message.