I hate that I unironically like Evangelion (1999) and EoE bc like. It's pretentious as fuck and some scenes make me wildly uncomfortable. And I guess its cringe or whatever. But it's just so unique — its uniquely visually interesting and cool, its got this real awe and terror factor that not much else I've watched has, the symbolism is cool (if nonsense), the characters are interesting (if annoying and dysfunctional), and the symbolism and rituals and mystery and lack of solid explanations of things makes it really fun for me to speculate about and project my own interesting world building onto. Same with the pretentiousness actually, I unironically love pretentious things because I can always read in as much depth and nuance and philosophical sophistication as I want into it, the pretentiousness just gives me a satisfying hook to hang it all on. I've just never found anything that scratches quite the same itch.