Something that kinda rubs me the wrong way with the recent Gamers Nexus video - and it’s not really Steve’s fault, to be clear - is that there are a lot of people going “I watch Linus for entertainment, GN (or some other techtuber) is the REAL review channel!!!!!!!!!!!!!” in response.
It just feels like they’re implicitly shitting on people who are new or inexperienced with the subject at hand. People have to remember that Linus is probably one of, if not the most popular tech YouTubers especially in PC gaming, and people who are new to that thing are going to go to him first. Hell, when I was looking for component reviews, I looked at his videos, as well as Gamers Nexus and JayzTwoCents (the latter two mainly for the ASUS AM5 drama). Even deadmau5 has gotten tips from him (Linus hooked him up with 45Drives, and got a video out of it).
Granted, Linus should be taking more responsibility for that reason alone or not trying to make LTT Labs a thing. A similar entertainment reviewer is DankPods, but I think he handles it better - he knows he’s the first one at the door for audio reviews because of his reach and entertainment factor, but he doesn’t try to step on the toes of more objective reviewers like Crinacle (in fact, Crinacle’s a fan - he was subbed to his Patreon iirc). He gets the basics covered while others can do the rest.