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- Embed this noticeImprisoned at the End of Time
Imprisoned within the status quo
Endless and wrapped in shadow
The spiral of unceasing death
Waiting until we take our last breath
The beasts move on across the stage
The eschaton signals the end of this age
Blessed are those consumed with the rage
Of one trapped in the cycle, the valley, a cage
Unable to desire to become what one chooses
Forbidden to live and subjected to abuses
The rotting machine inflicts its blow
And into its corpse we intend to throw
The spark and flame brought on by woe
Of a world and home we no longer know
Trapped in the stasis of the last page
We wait for the time to engage
To light the fire and end the wage
Our fear and guilt we cannot assuage
Slaves until we return to grime
Little realizing now is prime
To act in ways considered a crime
And break the chains at the end of time