I'm sorry, I think abolitionists (modern) are some of the least serious people on the planet. I agree with them, prison and death penalty is garbage. But their entire underlying philosophy simply is unable to account for or fathom real, genuine evil. Not everything people do and are is a product of oppressive social systems reinforcing particular behavior. Some people, and this is unavoidably true, are just rotten. There are genuinely predatory and duplicitous people who cannot be brought to be better because they revel in their exploitation and cruelty. And they don't have any serious solutions for preventing them or dealing with them. So, please, the last people I want to hear from are adrienne marie brown and bell hooks, Angela Davis or their acolytes. I won't call them abuse apologists, but their bullshit solutions are at least unwittingly abuser/predator/criminal enabling.
I can agree, we as a society must abandon carceral justice. But punitive justice is unavoidable and necessary.