@FrostPoem #Microprompt: I felt a thrill of excitement as I stepped into the workshop. I breathed in the scent of varnish, polish, solder and solvent. I heard the sounds, the tick tocking, the cacophony of music boxes from the very large to the tiny, all playing different tunes, the clunk and whirr of mechanisms. "I have something new, come look!" he said, pushing his glasses up on his nose. On the work table sat a golden cage in which perched a pair of scalet love birds. "You'll like this." my uncle smiled as he turned a small key in the side of the cage. The birds turned their heads and looked at each other, bowed to each other in time, all the while whistling a song on sweet, high notes which harmonised in perfect thirds. They turned away back to their starting positions, then repeated the action, singing all the while. Uncle burst into a delighted laugh at my look of wonder. "And that, my dear, is the beauty of clockwork!" he said. #AMWriting #WritingCommunity