from kris limbach
excerpt from the movie The Lost Color,
soundtrack excerpt: Hopek Quirin : liegender Bass
The Lost Color. Feature film, 60 min.
Created and directed by: Kris Limbach (Germany)
Co-produced by: AADK Spain
A dysfunctional tourist couple tries to buy a huge property in the
Spanish countryside and become a driving force towards a dystopian
world. But there are other obscure figures distracting them from
their enterprise. There is distrust, misunderstanding and hidden
forces behind people's behaviour. But there is also a primitive
state getting revealed, a pre - civilisational state of life
glimpses through the dark night. “The Lost Color” comes along as
a narrative film, and over and over again abandons the story in
favor of pure imagery association.
“The Lost Color” is after “Music for dysfunctional airports”
Kris Limbach´s second film shot in spain that deals with the
economical and spiritual european crisis.
Lisa Müller-Trede, Jochen Arbeit, Lea Walloschke, James Farrell,
Selu Herraiz, José Hortelano Villegas
Production assistant and 2nd camera: José Hortelano Villegas
Costume design and 2nd camera:Lea Walloschke
Production sound and titles: Julia Bränzel
Sound Design: Kris Limbach
Music by: Jochen Arbeit, Miguel A. Garcia, Hopek Quirin, Pierce
Warnecke, Rieko Okuda, Juan Antonio Nieto (Pangea), Ketev.