psa--please for the love of god stop citing that noxious gutter comedy idiocracy as a prescient satire of trumpism
the central premise of idiocracy is an old school eugenicist belief in the congenital inferiority of the poor and the existential societal threat posed by their licentiousness and unchecked procreation
the opening sequence is a deracinated white nationalist apocalypse fantasy wherein 'high iq' white men have been 'cucked' by feminism into not having children while 'low iq' welfare royalty have been allowed to 'breed like rabbits' crowding out the gene pool and leading to the fall of western civilization
the film has been promoted by the alt right for its sensationalist, alarmist, pseudoscientific depiction of demographic trends and population genetics, and is practically a hollywood adaptation of charles murray's ominous bell curve prophecies
the ideology of demographic anxiety and population replacement that underpins the movie is the exact same ideology that undergirds the very retrograde populism the film supposedly lampoons