The "free exchange of ideas" isn't really a marketplace. It's a potluck.
Everybody brings their own dish, and you're free to sample as many as you like. Some are familiar recipes. Some are classics with a twist. Some are interesting but not to your taste. Some are straight up bad. Some are life-changing. The point is, you can discuss recipes or cooking techniques or ingredients as you sample the food.
If someone brings, say, mashed potatoes, you can debate its appropriateness at the potluck. Will it get cold on the table? Do carbohydrates make up too much of our diet?
But if someone strides up and sets a big steaming pile of dog shit on the table, next to grandma's casserole and the mashed potatoes, that's a problem. And it's not because we're "afraid" of eating their dog shit, or we're worried dog shit will "revolutionize" lunch. It's dog shit. We tell them to get that dog shit off the damn table.
This is why we don't let Nazis come to the potluck. Some ideas are just dog shit.