isolation sucks
Being chronically ill and isolated sucks.
Yet society is deadset on making itself as hostile as possible for people like me to survive in it. I wish our communities fought against the normalization of death/mass-disablement and did more collective action like mutual aid. Instead, folks like me get tossed out as inconvenient and left behind.
It hurts even more when my communities claim to 'leave no one behind' and yet people like me (millions of us) are being left behind anyway due to lack of accessibility (Covid mitigations are part of accessibility by the way) and mutual aid to aid in our survival in an increasingly warming, hostile-to-life world.
It's so... exhausting and dispiriting.
Check in with disabled people. Aid us and support us, and please stop leaving us behind. Be accessible, please.
#Accessibility #MutualAid #CollectiveCare #PandemicMitigations #StopIsolatingDisabledPeople