@FrostPoem #Microprompt: I awoke to find the room in a state of total chaos. The night stand lay on its side, its glass top detached. The lamp was smashed. My books, crystals and angel cards had been swept from the little shelf. Lorento's beloved twelve foot miniature Ficus tree ... oh no! It lay on its side, earth from its pot was all over the floor along with leaves, broken branches ... we'd have to buy another tree. I sighed. This was getting old. I turned towards the vanity ... everything was scattered. The new fragrances I'd bought only last week were broken. For a moment fury rose in my throat, but as I turned to see that amazing golden head on the pillow beside mine, love overwhelmed me. It's not like Lorento could help this. "Darling." I smoothed a hand over the huge rainbow colored wing wrapped around me. The jewel bright yellow eyes flickered. The sharp beak opened wide in a yawn. Lorento leaped from the bed, so tall, so proud, so fantastically beautiful, that lethal fan of iridescent tail fanning out and catching the first rays of the sun. "Oh don't tell me! I'm so sorry. I'll fix it all. Darling don't cry." I took my love in my arms. "It's all right, it's all right. You warned me. I know you can't help sleep flying sometimes." #AMWriting #WritingCommunity