Before we let that one just dangle, America's most influential academic libertarians considered the Pinochet regime a kind of Petri-dish Golden Age of explicitly "freedom"-loving fascist-administered economic utopian policy prescriptions and implementation that also happened to execute "leftists" - people opposed to Pinochet's coup - by flying them out over the ocean in helicopters and pushing them out from great heights.
The Proud Boys, an American fascist organization that participated in the 2021 coup to overthrow and end America as a democratic republic, routinely wore/WEAR t-shirts that invoked that^ specific knowledge by showing images of people being thrown out of helicopters with the words "Free Helicopter Rides" and (perhaps on the same t-shirts, maybe different ones, I'm not sure of the specific SKUs) "Pinochet did nothing wrong."
Proud Boys, SOME leadership of which is now imprisoned for attempting to destroy the United States of America, share ideology AND romantic iconography with our kindly local perfectly well-meant libertarians, so, for emphasis, libertarians can eat shit and fuck thence straight off into a fiery active volcano.