hey #blind peeps, can we talk about those custom emoji for a sec?
so i've heard that currently they are not accessible because a #screenreader or braille display would only read the name between the two colons, which is frequently optimised for legth because of mastodon's character limit, rather than legibility.
so what would be the optimal way to deal with them? asking in the sense of: ignore the current constraints of the feature.
should there simply be slightly more descriptive names that are read every time? can y'all even figure out what a "blobcat" is? (not because i think you can't but because being a non native speaker myself, i think i might have some problems with that if i had no visual clues to go on)
or should there be a more lengthy description, maybe stored in an image alt attribute, that is read out each time? which is maybe much more annoying? or read the lengthy description out once but the short name for any repetitions?
what would be the best way to handle it? #accessibility
(RT yes please :boost_ok:)