Yeah, we're just making up idoms now. Fuck it, they'll have to sue me.
Either way tho, when you know me to tell you what you can and can't post? I do not care, and you're totally right that he's a shit tier human being, a fascist, a truly awful fucking billionaire PoS murderer. It doesn't matter to me if you say that or not, I know.
I just would like to beat these nazis, and that's probably not gonna happen unless I can get the people around me to accept that this is indeed us, and do something about that. And it just happens to be that folks I don't think have your best interests at heart, would like you to ignore that, while putting the onus on "our enemies." And again, this guy? He's shit. But beating him, however that is even possible, isn't going to solve the problem that you got nazis, they own everything including your politics, and they're taking us off the ecological cliff.