Reports I've received on how things are going:
Dad at his worst can't eat without serious help, can't open a bottle, gets lost in his room, does weird things.
Dad on bad days can eat finger food and is suggestible and will go and engage with others if encouraged.
Dad when he's most lucid refuses all food and interaction and sits alone in his room in the dark. Is it depression? Is it a suicide attempt? Is it because of the YouTube channels that told him that fasting cures dementia?
Obviously, his most lucid periods don't last for long. He asked for a morphine drip, but says he's not in physical pain.
. . .
I feel really very angry at him and also really struggle to think about anything else.
Even on his best days, he still has dementia and probably had a stroke, so, like, this is just how his brain (doesn't) work now. It just is. I might as well as be angry at the chair that he sits in while brooding. And yet here we are. Him in Texas, me in England, both failing to engage with the environments that surround us.