Mutual Aid Request
Hello everyone.
This month of June has already been off to a really rocky start. Paychecks that were supposed to come, didn't, illnesses, and delayed assistance has put us in a financial bind.
FORTUNATELY we can pay rent, and the van payment, car insurance and utilities, but we may not have enough for medical supplies and essentials for this month.
My PayPal is not working for some reason and I can't accept monetary donations. My family does have an Amazon wish list though!
These are the items we really need for this month. Anything helps.
Tia for any help/circulation any one can do for us 🙏🌻💜
#MutualAid #Disability #COVID #trans #Community #ChronicallyIll #LGBT #Pride #autism #HidradenitisSuppurativa #Crohns #EDS #Pots #Disabled