Margaret Howe Lovatt participated in a highly controversial 1960's NASA experiment in which she was isolated with a young male dolphin for an extended period. The idea was to try to teach him human speech. But the results were disastrous: Peter the dolphin fell in love with her and when she left at the experiment's end, he committed suicide. OH, and the heavy doses of LSD they pumped into him to try to see what the drug would do to dolphins might have been a factor. It's obviously a freaky and fascinating story. But predictably, what's capturing the internet's attention is the fact that Howe Lovatt had to deal with the dolphin's sexual urges during their isolation. The bestiality angle was the headline 40 years ago, when Hustler ran the story with a titillating image of interspecies sex. Which seems to me, from Howe Lovatt's description of the activity, to be a little misguided: