@miiamustang @claude_cahun it's more than just "entertainment on TV" thats problematic, it's the fact that my feed was lit up with this shit all last night.
I consume problematic things all the time. However, once I talk about consuming those problematic things in leftist spaces in a positive light and in such a way that facilitates conversations, then I am in effect responsible for whatever perpetuating such nonsense does.
In this case, talking about #eurovision in a consumptive way on a hashtag thus putting it in front of a bunch of leftists infers that ones conversation about a "flashy gay entertaining show" supersedes the acknowledgement and respect that Palestinians deserve by such competition repeatedly letting Israel be present in.
That's where my issue lies. That's where the issue of many lies.
You cant come on here and @ me trying to flip it to where I'm proposing ineffective praxis because you feel guilt that you're amplifying a show that perpetuates Zionism and Palestinian oppression.
Enjoy your show. Keep talking about it on the hashtag even. Idc. But this is what it means to do so. You have to deal with that. Stay out of my mentions while you do.