44. There is such good content here that I can easily spend an hour on the treadmill reading stuff. That's powerful.
45. I am eager for more information discovery / people to follow tools
46. I am looking forward to the ability to post-quote or whatever it is called
47. I am sad that we don't have a Periscope like function for live video; I tried Downcast but it wasn't as effective for me.
48. Offloading media for my instance to AWS S3 is probably the key to the server just working so well.
49. Overall, the last six months have been a powerful and useful investment, for my personal growth, knowledge, discovering new stuff, learning to understand and respect new communities, and just revel in the fact that a social network can be kind and wonderful and useful all at the time time.
50. I've learned that lists that have nice round numbers work, so I made it to 50.
51. Spinal Tap was a great movie, because it went to 11.
Thanks for listening! Here's to the next many months!
- Futurist Jim Carroll