Oh, first of all I'm relieved that you don't seem to support the Nazis. Did you see me and my friends being attacked by a bunch of bores? That was appalling.
Oh well, it's ok that you don't know much about transgender people yet. I didn't know that years ago either.
But... men should wear suits and women should wear dresses? Do you think men shouldn't wear dresses and women shouldn't wear pantsuits? You don't even think women should wear corsets, do you? I mean, I think that's too old-fashioned a way of thinking.
When you can at least stop talking about that thought, talk to a lot of people. There will be people among them who are struggling with their bodies and their way of life in society, unless you avoid meeting them. Then be nice to them. Don't tell someone who doesn't want to be called a man that you are a man. Can you do it? If you can, we can be friends. If you can't, then I'm sorry, but go be friends with another bully. I don't want to be a bully.
でも...男性はスーツを着るべきで、女性はドレスを着るべき? 男性はドレスを着てはいけない、女性はパンツスーツを着てはいけないとでも思っているのでしょうか? まさか、女性はコルセットを着るべきだとも思ってないよね?つまりまあ、その考え方は古すぎると思います。
少なくともその考えを口にするのを止められるようになったら、たくさんの人と話してみてください。その中には、あなたが会うのを避けない限り、自分の体や社会の中での生き方に悩んでいる人がいるはずです。だったら、その人たちに優しくしてあげてください。男と呼ばれたくない人に、「お前は男だ」と言ってはいけない。できますか? できるのなら友達になろう。できないなら、悪いけど他のいじめっ子と友達になってください。私はいじめっ子にはなりたくない。