@pfefferle Sure. The page I am trying to ping is: https://openmentions.com/topics/technology/ai/ you can see on the screenshot that the first commenter is being credited.
The source page (the one I am pinging from) is:https://matrixdreams.com/blog/random/asking-chatgpt-stupid-questions/i-asked-chatgpt-to-imagine-it-ruled-the-world-i-was-not-expecting-its-answer/
An example post without any comments: https://matrixdreams.com/blog/random/asking-chatgpt-stupid-questions/i-asked-chatgpt-if-socks-are-like-apples/
I'm happy to get down and dirty with some coding but I do not yet understand where the data is coming from and (thus) how to hook in and fix things.