Gentle suggestion for #OpenSource and #FOSS projects whose first response to criticism is "oPeN a pUlL rEQuEsT."
Stop. It's a deeply unhelpful comment because a) it shifts the responsibility for primary development from the core team to a stranger, and b) literally everyone who would be in a position to open a PR already is aware that's an option.
So instead:
1. Recognize that valid criticism of user experience and functionality can come from non-developers.
2. Usually, people comment on issues because they want your app to work for them. They're on your side.
3. You are not just developers; you are project maintainers and part of that is interacting with a community. Leading with gratitude and empathy goes a long way to building and maintaining that community.
Something like thanking them for caring, asking for what they'd like to see, and _inviting_ them to be part of the solution with an easy onboarding process is much more likely to succeed.